memory dumps to "virginize" the listed modules making them the same as what you would get with a brand new, never programmed module. Some virgin files may need programming. Some may sniff data themselves. Its up to you to know what to do with them.

Image Product Price
Honda Civic 06-11 SRS 77960-SVA-A240-M1 VIRGIN File $5.00 each
Honda Civic 12-14 SRS 77960-TR0-A014-M1 VIRGIN File $5.00 each
Honda Pilot 2011 SRS 77960-SZA-A012-M1 VIRGIN File $5.00 each
Saab 2003-09 CIM 93LC66 Virgin file $5.00 each
Toyota Sequoia 2003-2010 IMMO 93C66 IMMO VIRGIN $5.00 each
Toyota, Lexus 1998-2003 ECU IC900 93C56 IMMO16b VIRGIN $5.00 each
Toyota, Lexus 2001-2003 ECU IC900 93C56 IMMO 32b VIRGIN $5.00 each
Results 1 - 7 of 7